James C Broome Monday, 8/6/01, 1:23 PM
I joined Battery A in Sept 1951 and served as a Chief of Section. Just now I am being to understand what happened at Chosin. The stories had been passed down to us from former members of the battery but too much was left out. It is hard to visualize the lost of that many men from an artillery battalion and these were just the Americans. I am glad to see the real story come out.
From: Gulf Breeze, FL
E-mail: cbroome201@aol.com
Illene Saturday, 6/9/01, 8:07 AM
I just want to view the guest book.
From: WV
E-mail: illene@intrepid.net
Lorenzo R. Valdez Sunday, 5/27/01, 3:29 PM
To the Unsung Heroes of the 31st RCT that were at Chosin; You will not be forgotten. To my Uncle:
Pfc Cristobal Romo. 4th Platoon, Company L, 3rd Battalion, 31st Infantry Regiment, 7th Infantry Division. MIA on December 12, 1950. Last seen
alive on December 01, 1950 near Hudong-ni. Lorenzo R. Valdez
From:Tucson, AZ
E-mail: a href="mailto:LVal79@aol.com">LVal79@aol.com
Glenn Sewell Friday, 5/11/01, 10:17 AM
I served with the RR&Carrier
Platoon, attached to the 1st Signal Battalion, 1st Marine Division at
the Chosin 1n 1950.
From:Augusta, GA
E-mail: glennsewell@worldnet.att.net
Helen Richardson wrote on 5/01/01
My brother was part of a four man team of Marines who served in a TACP unit along side the 31st at the Chosin Reservoir. He was killed on Nov 30. Need I say more?
From: Cloudcroft, NM
E-Mail: tripler@pvtnetworks.net
Jack O'Leary Saturday, 2/17/01, 2:46 PM
Task Force Faith/McLean has been a research and emotional interest of mine for years. Besides the historical drama, I am so impressed by the tremendous amount of loss and love that shines out of every E Mail I find on the internet. God Bless you all. J.O Leary PS: I will take the liberty of forwarding you a tribute I wrote some time ago about Task Force Faith and the love of the comrades and families who still survive.
From: Nassau, N.Y.
E-mail: oleaaryjno@aol.com
Joe wrote on 1/10/01
This is my first visit to the site, come in from the Kvets site on Egroups. A good friend of mine, in my VFW Post was at Chosin, also our NY State Commander Bob Seagrave was there. Keep up the good work.
From: Vogel
E-Mail: joebirdv@localnet.com
Don Mayville MSG retired, wrote on 11/24/00
Need to get the word out about this site. There are many more events that have stories to tell, that are keeping the info to themselves. Maybe we will have many more for the next reunion. Stay warm, Stay Dry.
From: Melvindale, Michigan
Joe Neil wrote on 11/4/00
Served 7th Recon Co. 7th ID Dec 50 to May 51 WIA-9 April 51
From: New York and Maryland
E-Mail: Popneil@aol.com
Charles Haynes wrote on 10/13/2000
I am a Korean Veteran myself and the experiences there were not all that pleasant. But I shudder whenever I see, or read accounts of the Regimental Combat Team's plight in the chosin reservoir encounter. One has only to experience the soul destroying winter climate of Korea, to be able to begin to appreciate the horror of the actions the Army 31st RCT participated in. To be cold and wet owing to the unsuitability of the clothing issued in the early part of that war, and hungry, with little prospect of a solution to any of those discomforts is daunting enough in itself, but at the same time, having to defend oneself against an overwhelming aggressive foe, bent on your destruction is a frightening scenario, the unit fully deserves the Korean Presidential Citation Award.
Judith Knight wrote on 9/29/00
This is a wonderful site but brings tears. I am proud to know a member of the Chosin Few, Sgt Charles Bielecki and have heard from him of the battle there and at Hagaru-ri. I also know PVT George Hook, who was captured there and walked to Death Valley Camp and then on to other camps and was among the living dead until Big Switch. These men have stories that would break any heart but they are good soldiers and good men. I am so proud of them.
From: Originally Minnesota
E-Mail: larue260@aol.com
Patricia Taylor Lewis wrote on 9/12/00
Did anyone know PVT-E2 Ernest A. Taylor? Or were they possibly part of his unit? He was listed as MIA. He is my first cousin and my family would like to have any information they can get. The first site that I obtained information from is the korean.org.site. Thank you. Info on Ernest follows: 17TH INF DIV Army Date Of Lose 1950-11-21 SERVICE NUMBER: RAS 57204868 MOS: 04091
From: Kentucky
E-Mail: lewis_trisha@hotmail.com
George Snipan wrote on 9/12/00
From: Arkansas
E-Mail: a href="mailto:GSNIPAN@AOL.COM">GSNIPAN@aol.com
Jack Shannon wrote on 9/11/00
I was with 57th FA BN at the inlet. Also, part of I Company 31st Inf Regt. in the breakout.
From: Billings Montana
George Snipan wrote on 9/9/00
I was in B 31 at the Chosin and in service Co 31 at Crawford
From: Sherwood, Arkansas
Richard Cooper wrote on 9/9/00
I was a member of the I&R Platoon HQ&HQ Co from 1948 to 1950
From: currently Post Falls, ID
E-Mail: fisette-cooper@msn.com