Prior What's New, Page 2
November 2000 -March 2001
From the 31st Regiment Listserve, an article dated December 19th, 2001 from the Korea Herald.
US, North Korea Agree To Expand Joint Search Operations For MIA'S
Here's a summary of the article
*Both US and Korea have agreed on joint search operations to search for remains of US servicemen
*This is the first time that the Changjin Reservoir will be included in any operations
*The number of search operations total 10
*By 28 person teams starting April - November of 2002
*Each operation lasting 32 days
*Total combined operation days - 160 days
*Alan Liotta, Deputy Director of the US Dept of Defense in charge of prisoner of war and missing persons affairs, was in Kuala Lumpur for negotiations which lasted for 4 days
*Besides Changjin Reservoir, the Kaichon area will be included for next year search operations.
*"The North agreed to include the Changjin Reservir area into joint operation areas next year without any preconditions"
*Liotta states that 1,000 servicemen remains should be found at Changjin Reservoir
*"Changjin, which was mistakenly known as Chosin to foreigners, was one of the Korean War's harded fought battlefields. Tens of thousands of Chinese soldiers bombarded US units near the reservoir late in 1950. The Americans retreated, leaving behind many dead soldiers hastily buried in shallow graves."
*Liotta has lead all MIA negotiations with North Korea since 1996, this was the first year North Korea let US to look for remains ina a single effort - only 1 set of remains were found
*past 5 years - joint operation found 107 remains
*65 remains found this year alone, only 5 have been identified out of the 65
*from 1991 - 1994, North Koreans have turned over 208 sets of remains, which only 7 have been identified
Read some information that Ray Vallowe, 57th FA Battalion has been uncovering for the last few years. Lots of numbers and data and new information on the 31st RCT at Changjin - Check it out! Ray has always been a great source of information on the 31st RCT. The name sounds familiar? On the 31ctRCT at Chosin site, Ray has been kind enough to let me print one of his stories, THE PHANTOM FORCE. And don't forget the fatality list of Army men at Chosin. If you haven't read the story yet, here's the link. Scroll down for Ray's Frozen Chosin and Phantom Force link.
I'm Always Looking for any stories or pictures from any of the Army Chosin Few and also accept any pictures or newspaper clippings pertaining to the Korean War. Drop me an E-Mail at See link below.
Frozen Chosin
February 2001-NEW PICTURES ADDED TO ARMY CHOSIN FEW II GALLERY, thanks to Lewis Shannon of I Co, 31st Regt, Chosin Few - also some copies of newspaper clippings from 1951. Thanks again Lewis!
The people of Korea say Thank You to all you Korean War Veterans by treating you to a free preformance of dance and swordsmanship. All veterans who attend will receive a beautiful medallion which is a gift from the people of South Korea. Just bring a copy of you DD 214 form to the performance.
Dates are as follows:
Tallahassee FL, January 30, 2001
Orlando FL,January 31th
Tampa FL, February 2nd
St. Petersburg FL, February 3rd
Hollywood FL, February 4th
Daytona Beach FL, February 5th
Deland FL, February 6th
Jacksonville FL, February 7th
Charleston, SC February 8th
Beaufort, February 9th
The 9th is the Grand Finale of the tour including an F-18 presentation and the presentation of the Korean Freedom Medallion of Gratitude to the Parris Island Museum.
Thanks to Judith Knight and The Korean American Cultural Foundation.
Cold War Reconnaissance-February 22 & 23 at DIA, Bolling Air Force Base. Activities of the Korean War will be included along with pilots who flew missions and historians. Attendance is limited.
A special thanks for Mr. Tomek for sharing the story of the Mystery Lady - I hope we can help him solve this 50 year old mystery!
I've included a link to the article from Dec 28th, that's on the Korean Presidential Citation Page. Since without sacrificing the Army this evacuation might not have been as successful. See link to Korean Presidential Citation Ceremony page.
PRESIDENTIAL MEMORIAL CERTIFICATES (PMC) is an engraved paper certificate signed by the current President, to honor the memory of honorably discharged deceased veterans. Please see link below. Eligibility- include the deceased veteran's next of kin and loved ones. Apply-In person at VA office or through US mail only. There are no request forms to fill out. Please include return mailing address with request and copy of veteran's discharge documents.
send to:
US Department of Veterans Affairs
National Cemetery Addministration (403A)
810 Vermont Ave., NW
Washington DC 20420
Thanks Judith!
As of February, I am turning over all display materials to the Korean War Veterans Association of Pinellas County. So far, the display has been in 7 libraries for a period of one month at a time! I have complete faith that the display will continue to bring an awareness of the Korean War. Here's to another, trip down the road!
Meet the Mystery Lady at ChosinThe Mystery Lady
The Korean Presidential Citation Ceremony
Presidential Memorial Certificate
January 2001-The Korean War/Chosin Library display is now at the Hugh Embry Library in Dade City Fl., located at 14215 4th Street Dade City.
I received 2 different articles about recovery operations in North Korea. One article is from the Associated Press and the other from the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense.Both specifically mention the Chosin Reservoir as one of the areas that US teams will look for soldiers that are still missing in action. This will be the first time that Chosin has been included for recovering remains, even though the United States has had recovery operations in North Korea for 6 years. Numbers of men vary from 750 to 1,000 missing; counting both Army and Marines around the Reservoir.
To summarize the article:
-The new 2001 agreement allows Defense POW/Missing Personnel Office 28 members up from 20 in search operations.
-10 operations between Chosin Reservoir to current areas in Unsan and Kujang counties will take place from April to November. Each operation lasting 32 days, up from 26 days.
-The new 2001 agreement has North Korea sharing records, witness interviews, burial locations and other information not previously shared.
-Members of the US field team are from the US Army Central Identification Labratory in Hawaii where the forensic work is done after remains are repatriated.
**In 2000 from Unsan and Kujang joint teams recovered 65 sets of remains.
**42 remains were recovered from previous years.
**5 have been positively identified.
**Another 10 nearing final stages of identification.
Both articles agree there are still more than 8,100 US soldiers listed as Missing In Action from the 3 years of the Korean War, 1950 - 1953.
See links below for more information
Thanks Norm for mentioning Chosin31RCT site in the Army Chosin Few Magazine. I did receive a few calls and some great pictures and articles through the mail. Keep them pictures and articles coming! And a big thank you for all the guys that sent me the information!
Here's a little known secret that the Internal Revenue Service has. Write a letter to your Army buddy, send the letter with a cover letter to the IRS asking for their assistance in finding them. Identify each man with as many details as possible. The IRS will try and locate them and send your letter to them.(This was sent to me by B. Carmody, from the Korean War list serve.)
Information of men KIA
More Information from Bill. You can write to the Army for information about location and cause of death of men known to have been killed in action by asking for copies of individual Deceased Personnel Folders. Write as many details as possible to help locate correct folders. Write to:
Adminstration Section
Total Army Personnel Command
DCS Personnel and Logistics
200 Stoval Street
Alexandria VA 22332-0405
E-Mail Korean Based VFW's
I found links to VFW's in Korea on the 50th Anniversary links page. As most know - the 7th Division included ROK's, (Republic of Korea) solidiers starting from Inchon landing, and yes, at the Chosin Reservoir. I wrote to the various VFW's looking for one of William's Korean Army buddies - Sung Chow. Sung Chow survived Chosin, William and Sung Chow carried a soldier down a hill on the journey to Hagaru-ri. I'll try to link below, just in case, here's the page address:
I was not able to link to the Links page, the link is for the main site.
Defense Prisoner of War/Missing Personnel Office
US Army Identification Laboratory
Poems of the Chosin Few
50th Anniversary Links Page
December events -
12/7 - Chosin (Changjin) Reservoir Campaign - Camp Pendleton, California
12/12 - Hungnam Redeployment and Evacuation - Navy Memorial, Washington, DC
For more information call 703-604-0831
or web site -
Sgt Charles Martin Bielecki needs to prove to the VA that he was with the 31st and at Chosin. Please help Bielecki out by sending him a letter that he was with the 31st. Anyone who can certify this please send a letter to the following address:
Bielecki-Attn. J. Knight
P.O. Box 205
Bath, SC 29816
This survivor of the Chosin Reservoir needs help! He fought the enemy on the front lines and now he is having to fight to get what is his due!(THis will also be on the connections page)
I received an E-Mail from Benny Takatsu, 57FA, in Sapporo Japan, I would like to share with everyone:
Dear comrades and Friends,
Please explaining J. Alan Liotta Deputy director of the Defense Prisoner of War/Missing person Office, that it's not correct information! there many of casualties of Chosin Reservoir. finding on surrounding site in the area, too, many family waiting for recovery of the remains in the area. Please, Please help! with warm regards and best wishes. Sincerely, Benny
No dates for the library display this month! For January it's back to Pasco County in Dade City!
Then for February and into the new year, the display will be in the hands of the Korean War Veterans Association. The display will tour different libraries in Pinellas County, thanks to Jack Edwards of KWVA of Pinellas.
THANK YOU - To the Army Chosin Few for including my site and address in the October issue of the magazine. I appreciate it and look forward to talking to you!
On the events section in the RCTatChosin - I'm still working on October and November event dates. The event section is far from complete.
November events
11/11 - Northern Campaigns - Seoul, Republic of Korea
11/11 - Nations Parade - New York, NY (from a local Veteran's paper, "Veteran's Post", the parade will host Veterans from all 22 Nations that participated in the Korean War.
For more information call 703-604-0831
or web site -
Looking for any Veterans that might know George Hook from Aiken, South Carolina, 32nd Regiment, A Company. George was captured at Chosin on November 29th, 1950. He made the march to Death Valley, then on to Camp One called Chung Song or Chung Sung. George remembers the names of James Hargess, James Talbert, Roy Hardage, Ernest Mc Lean, Thomas Sealey and Frank Kaiser. George thinks that Frank was sent away from camp #1. George is now trying to recieve his Purple Heart. Please write to Judith at
(This information will also be on the CONNECTIONS PAGE)
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Hal and Ted Barker desperately need all of our help. They are in the process of losing their home due to Low income housing. Read the whole story and see what one call can do to help the Project out! See link below.
In October, I have been conversing with a community editor about my pictures on Photopoint. The editor wanted to know why I wanted to honor my
Dad in this way. The editor was going to run in the future a story on Veterans and their pictures at Photopoint. It started with a long letter as a I told the editor the story of the Army at Chosin. As the E-Mails exchanged, she revealed that her father was in Vietnam and never talks. I already told her that I know that I'm extremely lucky and grateful that I have been able to to be involved in a part of my Father's life that most children never get a chance to be a part of. I always feel honored that I have this chance with Dad and all of you!
Well, coming up, there will be an article about William featuring his pictures and maybe a story of the 31st, Chosin and veterans of Korea.
In the future for the links pages, I will make a separate page just for frostbite. Thanks to Judith Knight for taking the time to write with some links that I did not list. People do care. As I was reading about frostbite, diabetes can be one of the effects from frostbite, and since November is diabetes awareness month, I will say a thing or two! You guys really don't know too much about me. But I try to be good health wise, and read up on different health alternatives. Most diabetics know about artifical sweetners, but there are many, many unfavorable reviews about using artifical sweetners product-check the Internet yourself. There is another alternative that I personally use and feel completely satisfied with-Stevia, its a natural herb, very sweet. Stevia can be purchased at health food stores.
(Sorry for swaying off the regular subject-Hey I got Dad to try some alternatives and yes, he likes most of what I give him!)
Listing new pages for the next 2 months may be a little slow - but please any stories or pictures - don't forget to write! E-Mail me at Chosin_Katia - below!
If you haven't already noticed, I started a new album called Chosin Few II! So far pictures featured are by Ed Reeves K Co 31st, Leroy Creel I Co 31st, Don Mayville, HQ & HQ Co 31st and James T. Brown, I Co 31st. Remember any 31st RCT man can send in stories and or pictures!
Send to the address below.
The Poem featured on the Don Monterosso page is now added to Photopoint Korean War Poems. The illustration is actually one of my pictures from Gettyburgh National Cemetary and I altered the picture with Photopoint to look like a drawing, since I can't draw!