12 December 1950

SUBJECT: Operations Summary, 25 November to 11 December 1950

TO: Commanding Officer
31st Infantry Regiment

Tank Company of this regiment departed Sagu, Korea (CV2882) on 24 November, arrived Pukchong, Korea (DV 4255) 25 November, and departed Pukchong 26 November byil with destination Hamhung (70 miles). Company arrived Hahng 26 November and departed Hamhug 27 November travelling 60 miles to Hudon-ni Korea (CV5376) on East side of Chosin Reervoir. On 28 November, Tank Company was given mission to attack North and open ruote to 3rd Battalion, 31st Infantry Regiment and 1st Battalion, 32nd Infantry Regiment. Atack commenced at 281000 November with provisional composite platoon of Hadquarers Ccompany attached. Attack progressed as far a vicinity of Medical Company ambush CV 5478 sufficient infantry was not available to hold this intermediate objective. Enemy fore estimated as one battalion well dug in. Numerous infantry casualties and loss of four tanks (two hit by 3.5 Rocket Launchers, 1 roled over steep incline, and one with thrown track on steep incline, and one with thrown track on steep incline, on objective area) led to decision to withdraw. Two officers and ten enlisted men of tank company were wounded in ths action. Attack with the same mission was ordered the following day. Attack jumped off 290800 wih 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Platoons of Tank Company, with one plaon and composite platoon of Headquarters Company, 31st Infantry Regiment. Atack gain reached intermediate objives with each of two tank forces but over whelming enemy numbers caused higinfantry asualties and positions on objective became utenable. Undersigned ordered withdrawal of attacking forces to Hudong-ni. Enemy forces estimated as two battalions well dug in. In the eantme, one platoon of tank company was ordered on patrol mission to est of Hudong-ni and then reconnaissance mission directly North of Hudong-ni to select rroute thru saddle in moutain area. Last operations resulted in loss ot two tanks, death of one officer, and two enlisted men of tank company wounded.