Fatality List introduction Misc Fatality List for 7th Div 15th AAA AW 31st Regiment, A-Ke 31st Regiment, Ki-Z 32nd Regiment, A- Hay 32nd Regiment, He- Red 32nd Regiment, Ree- Z 57th Field Artillery Battalion, A- Mor 57th Field Artillery Battalion, N - Z 31st RCT Fatalities, Not Listed you are currently at The Army At The Chosin Reservoir Site Visitors: from old site 296
Misc Fatality List for 7th Div
15th AAA AW
31st Regiment, A-Ke
31st Regiment, Ki-Z
32nd Regiment, A- Hay
32nd Regiment, He- Red
32nd Regiment, Ree- Z
57th Field Artillery Battalion, A- Mor
57th Field Artillery Battalion, N - Z
31st RCT Fatalities, Not Listed
from old site 296