You are currently at the Army at the Chosin Reservoir Site, dealing exclusively with the Army 31st RCT at Chosin through pictures and information.
History of the 7th Infantry Division
The 31st Infantry Regiment Association
The 32nd Infantry Regimental Association -
American Battle Monuments Commission Data Base
The Society of the 3rd Division
The Changjin Journal Newsletter on Chosin campaign
The Korean War Project Databases, Looking for by Regiment, Fatality Lists
The Korean War - UN Forces Discussion List, Battle events
Bob West's Korean War Sites Chosin site, pictures
The Ramblings of Whitey Reese! 7th Division Casualty List
Monthly POW/MIA updates/archives All POW-MIA
50th Anniversary of the Korean War 50th Anniversary Committee of the Korean War
From the US Naval Institute - this includes a fully animated battle map of the battle at Chosin - Interactive Korean War Timeline
Army Magazine go to Special Features, click on Articles on the Korean War to read, Task Force Faith and Glory and Heartbreak East of the Reservoir
31st RCT and Continuous Operations Command and Control
BookEbb And Flow - Nov 1950 - July 1951See Chap V-VII *pg 147 X Corps Battle Casualties
Book ExcerptThe X Corps Advances to The Yalu
Book ExcerptThe Capture Of Seoul
Book Excerpt, Chapter 6, Chosin ReservoirCombat Actions In Korea
Book Excerpt, The Chinese Intervention, Nov 3, 1950 - Jan 1951
From Iwon to Chosin, A Photo Essay
Col Alfred J. Catania, wounded at Chosin cumberlink
David Clifton/3rd Division Sharing War Stories
Bob Hammond/57 FA BN 50 Years Later, The Battle of Chosin Ends
George Hook 7th Division, POW from Chosin Reservoir Receives Metal After 48 Years
Donald F. McAllister Dept of VA - Introduction to Cold Injury
Ed Reeves, 31st, 3rd Battalion-Experiences with Frostbite in Korea Dept of VA - Cold Injury
Ed ReevesThe Residue of War
Bernard M. Resnick/Army Korean Vets To Unite
Cpt Jack Thun/Korean-American/7th Div-Experiences from Chosin Reservoir to Pork Chop Hill Korea Times, Sept 2000
Ray Vallowe, 57 FA Bn, Chosin Few Frozen Chosin
Joe Giddings, Bill Kemper, Herb Marshburn-32nd Inf . 1st Battalion all KIA at Chosin. Interview with Lt Joe Kingston-32nd Inf. I Co To The Yalu And Back
2nd LT Franklin D. Johnson, MIA/Chosin/15AAA AW Bn Finding the Open Door
Col John Page/X Corps Army/KIA Retreat from Chosin Camp Page, South Korea
Lt Col John Page Profiles In Courage
Cpl James B. Sanders MIA/Chosin/32nd Inf Reg J B Sanders
Pvt Robert Tait, died POW/Chosin/57 FA Bn Larry's Home Page
Changjin Journal 03-08-00 BREAKOUT Book Review
Air Drops To Chosin/8011/187thRCT(Korean War anniversary link) Some Scenes From Korean War
Korean War Maps - links to various sites Korean War Maps
Chosin - Triumph Out of Tragedy Wild Bill Wilder
Fighting 32's/Navy/Swordsmen/Corsairs History of V32's
50th Anniversary of the Korean War50th Anniversary of the Korean War
US Army Awards and Decorations
Combat Infantrymen's Association
Veterans Registry/StoriesKorean War Veterans Registry
Korean War Veteran's National Museum and Library
Numbers of men in War
Korean War - Weapons, History, Bibliography
US Army Command Strength in Japan and Korea - Korean War
The Korean War Educator includes archives, photos, references and letters from the front
Korean Culture/Korean War/Army man, 1964 Korea Darrel La Mar Wakley
92nd Field Artillery Association-attached to 7th Division 92nd FA Red Devils
East of Chosin - Appleman US Army Japan