The 31st Infantry Regiment, I Company at Chosin

Patch from 1950, I Co
courtesy of F.  Scalph

Dad, (William Smith) and I Company My very first site and an introduction of why a daughter gets involved

I Co Morning Reports from Chosin

I Co camp drawing

Click to read I Co &  3rd Battalion in East Of Chosin

I Co Casualty List Entire I Co casualty list of men from Chosin

Directory of I Co Men and Their Stories, or Memorials

Don W. Aliff Army Buddy

Charles Bielecki Army history and Newsppaper article

George Fukumae & Richard Takahashi Best Friends - becoming Army privates in Japan and Army life at Camp Crawford

George Fukumae & Richard Takahashi,Pg 2 The perils of war -- one survives, one is Missing in Action and the Consequences of the extreme cold.

Japanese American Veterans 5 were at Camp Crawford, only 1 survived Chosin. George Fukumae talks about his fallen comrades

James T. Mainhart Memorial, I Co cook, KIA at Chosin, writen by his nephew, Tom Mainhart

Don Monterosso Some thoughts by Don

Tom J. Morris William's best friend and the memorial left at the Korean Monument in DC

Lewis Shannon A letter home after Chosin. published in newspaper, dated 1950

Lewis Shannon & Floyd Scalph The story of two I Co men that faced adversities and heroic times leaving the reservoir.

William J Smith My Father's Army history

You are currently visitingThe Army at the Chosin Reservoir site


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