Below is the first report dated one day earlier 10 March 1951.
this report having reference to the above report as attached(Command Report from John Gavin). However, this first one is Classified
- Secret- Regraded unclassified order; Sec Army by Tag per 9.
Declassified E.O. 12065, Sec 5-402, Date 2/1/80
Above notes by Ray Vallowe
Thanks to Ray for submitting report
***Archive report:***
Headquarters 31st Infantry
10 March 1951
Command Report: 1-4 December 1950 (Incl)
On 1 December 1950 elements of the 31st Infantry were located in North Korea as follows:
BCT 31: 3rd Battalion, Heavy Mortor Company (1st platoon), Tank Company, detachment of
Headquarters and Headquarters Company, detachment of Medical Company, in vicinity of
Chosen Reservoir. (Map: Korea, 1:250,000 sheet K52T:5272), under 1st Marine control.
BCT 31: 2d Battalion (-Company "F"), Headquarters and Headquarters Company, (-) Medical Company, (-) Service Company, 1st Platoon of Heavy Mortor Company, Company "B" reinforced by elements of Company "D", vicinity of Koto-ri (Map: Korea 1:250,000 sheet K52T:1298), under 1st Marine Division control.
31st Inf (-) 1st Battalion (-Company "B") Company ôEö. 1st Battalion in vicinity of Untaek (Map: Korea, 1:250,000, sheet K52T:1298). Company "E" formed security for 7th Infantry Division Command Post in vicinity of Pungsan (Map: Korea, 1:250,000 sheet K52U). Elements of the command groups of the 31st Infantry and Service Company were in the vicinity of Hungnam-up (Map: Korea, 1:250,000 sheet J52B:8012) to coordinate command, supply and administration. Note: Due to the nature of the action of the 31st Regimental Combat Team in the vicinity of the Chosen Reservoir and subsequent retrograde movement during which many of the records and documents were lost or detroyed, and many of the personnel became casualities, a separate command report to cover the BCT vicinity of Hagaru-ri, and BCT in vicinity of Koto-ri from period 1 through 11 december will be prepared.
As stated before, the 31st Regimental Combat Team was dispersed over 120 road miles apart, making it difficult to describe the action covering the period 1 through 3 December Colonel Deshon, Regimental Executive Officer, took over command of the rerar elements and set up a regimental staff to take command of the remaining elements of the 31st Regimental Combat Team in the vicinity of Hungnam-up and 1st Battalion (-"B" Company -/- "E" Company) in vicinity of Untaek.
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On 4 December 1950 Operations Order Number 28, Headquarters 7th Infantry Division, dated 3
December 1950, directed the 31st Regimental Combat Team (-) to assemble in the Hamhung
Area. Operations Order Number 29, Headquarters 7th Infantry Division , dated 3 December
1950, recieved 04120050, directed the 31st Infantry to reorganize and form a division reserve to
assemble in the vicinity of Hamhung. Operations were planned to assemble and reorganize in
vicinity of Hamhung.
1st Battalion (-/- "E" Company) was ordered to move via truck to vicinity of Pukchong (DV 4255) Result of operations for the day was that 31st Headquarters and Service units were moved by motor and rail from Hungnam-up to Hamhung. (the 1st Battalion -/- "E" Company) departed Untaek at 1620 and arrived in Pukchong at 041145 and upon arrival they were to proceed to Hamhung. 1st Battalion departed Pukchong enroute to Hamhung at 041530 December 1950.
Signed by:
John A. Gavin,
Colonel Inf
Fields E. Shelton,
Captain Infantry