1. One Mar Bn as point to cover 200 yd front on both sides of road. One Mar Bn echeloned to right rear.
2. Bomb line 1000 yd ea side of road. Air atk will be on call within 1000 yd line.
3. 1st obj. -Koto-ri.
4. 7th Div Elements responsible for left side of rd to 1000 yd line.
5. En estimated as one regiment between Hagaru-ri and Koto-ri.
6. Lead Co (Co "I") will maintain contact w/point, 2d Bn, 7th Mar.
7. Order of March:- I, K, L.
8. Cover sniper fire with marching fire. For other resistance call for supporting fire.
9. Mar tank Plat (4 tanks under Lt Estis USMC) atchd to 3d Bn.
10. 1st Bn, 7th Mar covers right (W) flank.
11. POW's will be held in line. They must not be harmed.
12. Org of 7th Div Elements-
3d Bn - Co I-Capt Rasula
Approx 90 EM fr 57th FA Bn
Co K- Capt Kitz
Co L-Lt Boyer
1st Bn - Co A-
Maj Jones Co B-
Co C-
CO - Lt Col Anderson
Ass't Capt Heppner, 57th FA Bn
Capt Inf
Inclosure (1)