By M/Sgt Carl A. Pruett, ********(serial number), Company "M", 31st Inf. Regiment
We moved into postion early in the evening and put out our security.
During the night we were attacked and over ran. The next morning we reorganized and went into defensive positions. We were under constant fire of machine guns and mortar fire for three days. During this time our ammo ran out and we were air dropped supplies. Most of the men were wounded and about all we could do was to keep the enemy from them. We had food enough for the wounded and very little for the rest of the men. Our ROK's were of no help. They wouldn't come out of their holes and fight. It left the burden to the able bodied men that were left which was few. On the fourth morning we were ordered to destroy everything that we couldn't carry and pull out. We had very little ammo and nothing but individual arms. We had a running fight all day and all night until we joined elements of the 1st Marine Division. Here we reorganized with two companies from the 31st Infantry and continued the attack to the south. Another day and a night of fighting and we hit another marine unit. Here we organized agan and another day and night brought us to elements of the 3rd Infantry Division where we come on into Hungnam.
Co. M.3st Inf Regt
(Inclosure 3)